Friday, April 8, 2016

Who Have You Left Behind?

This morning I was doing a devotion in Jesus Calling by Sarah Young and something hit me between the eyes.  This is what I read. "I am with you and for you, your constant Companion and Provider.  The question is whether you are with Me and for Me.  Though I never leave you, you can essentially 'leave' Me by ignoring Me: thinking or acting as if I am not with you.  When you feel distant in our relationship, you know where the problem lies.  My Love for you is constant: I am the same yesterday, today and forever.  It is you who change like shifting sand, letting circumstances toss you this way and that."

Don't know if that impacted you like it did me, but I had to repent.  There have been situations in my life lately where I have cried day and night (literal tears), first over the situation, then with self-pity, to where I have walked around tired and beaten.  Have to admit a little "snappy", as well.   After that, then I have gone to God and said "where are you?"  He hasn't gone anywhere, I moved my situation away from Him by trying to deal with it myself.  

How did I do this?  By rushing through my life and not taking the time to spend in reading His Word and praying, except little prayers I promised people I would pray.  To have any relationship, you need to make effort and time to invest in getting to know them.  God is no different.  

What relationship have you been leaving behind?  Spending quality time with kids or spouses due to busy schedules?  Never having time to get together with friends?  What about time for yourself?  

We need to cling tight to those relationships that are so important to us.  If you feel like God is distant, check where you have moved; He is still there!  Are you feeling distant in your relationship with your spouse?  When was the last time you had a date?  Feel like you don't have any friends?  Reach out: call, send text, FaceTime, send a note.  Little things make the difference. What about time for yourself?  When is the last time you did something you enjoy or made you feel better about yourself?  

Some of the clients I train will promise me that they will take walks, go for a run, or commit to exercising between their sessions, as well as eat, at least, better.  You can probably imagine the looks l get when I ask them at next session how did they do?  Trust me, their facial expression will tell it all. 

What steps will you take today to, first of all, build your relationship with God, secondly commit to yourself, and then to others?  If you are feeling alone, don't think about who is not there for you, but maybe who you have removed yourself from.  I have talked myself out of all these relationships.  I have jumped out of bed with a "thank you God', rushed out of the house with giving my husband a "brush-by" kiss and "call ya later", all because I have overflowed my schedule.  I have thought about talking to a friend and talked myself right out of it by convincing myself "they are too busy" when really it's about rejection if they are.

Trust me, I could go on and on, but I hope you get what I have tried to say here.  Even this blog, I was committing to writing once a week, and my last one was on February 7 (2 months ago).  Change your path today if you have been walking away from any relationships in your life - don't leave them behind; turn back around and run towards the love of the people that God has placed in your life. 

We are in this life together, so let's do life together!  

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Can You Move a Mountain?

 I am sure you are familiar with the saying "faith can move mountains".  The basis for this thought comes from Matthew 17:20.

What is the mountain you are facing today?  Whether it is depression, anxiety, busyness, addiction, struggles with weight, financial hardship, career changes, marriage problems, health issues, unforgiveness, worrying about your children, and/or ______________ (you fill in the blank), we all have something we are dealing with in life.  We try to climb the mountain, go around the mountain, dig a tunnel through it, and we become tired and weary.  All of our energy is consumed by it and, at times, we feel like we cannot conquer it.  But, we can.

The passage I eluded to in the beginning, Matthew 17:20 states, "...Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move.  Nothing will be impossible for you."

A mustard seed is the tiniest of seeds, so that is very, very small faith.  But, what does He say?  With that smallest amount of faith, you can move that mountain (problem).  The thing that looks so big in your life and that situation that seems so impossible to get over, can be conquered just by believing.  Believe you can; believe you will; believe you are; and that situation will change.  

So don't feel defeated for one more moment. By faith, speak to the mountain and tell it to move out of your way.  

There are steps that I have taken, and some of them may help you, as well.

1.  Pray
2.  Speak faith - speak positive words into the situation.
3.  Read the Bible - don't know where to start then start with the passage above or get a daily devotional.
4.  Read books that encourage or can educate you on what you may be facing.
5.  Think about a change you can make in your life, and move in it one step at a time. 
6.  Maybe confide in someone you trust, someone who can encourage you, or keep you accountable in a situation.
7.  Listen to music that is positive, encouraging and/or worshipful.
8.  Look at things that are consuming your thoughts, time or energy and really examine what needs to stay, and what can be removed.
9.  Exercise, eat well, and get proper rest.
10.Pray, pray again, and then pray some more. :)

As I stated, these are some of the things that have helped me, even within this past week.  Those mountains can pop up in a moments notice, but they can be removed just as fast.  

Walk in freedom; walk in victory; walk in peace; walk in joy; walk in forgiveness; and walk in love. 

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Small Steps Can Make a Big Difference.

Small steps can make a big difference.  

If you have the over-achiever gene like I do, taking small steps can be challenging.  I wanted to dive in to any goal and do the best, be the best, accomplish the goal ahead of schedule, and show that I can conquer the quest.

Then what?  Well, then I would start looking for the next thing to fulfill my time, and get the pats on the back, the high-fives, and way-to-goes.  

What I have learned, is that while going for the gold, I didn't enjoy the journey.  Taking small steps can help us to look around and enjoy the view, the people, the details.  While when we leap over the tall buildings in a single bound, we miss the beauty of the designs, the people walking and talking around us; everything is a blur. Sometimes, when we dive in too fast, we crash and burn, which is why a lot of resolutions stay unresolved. We take on challenges that are too big to keep up with and we get discouraged, feel like we failed, then we give up and surrender only to settle back into what we were trying to get away from in the first place.

I am sure you heard that slow and steady wins the race. This can be so true. Now that I am running, I understand it even more. Some may disagree and that is fine; this is from my perspective. When I want to finish a run fast and I start off fast, not only do I lose energy, but I barely make it to finish. However, when I slow my pace for the first half of my run, I am able to finish the second half stronger and in faster time.  

What is it that you are looking to change? The top 10 resolutions are get organized; help others; learn something new; get out of debt; more time with family; exercise; lose weight; quit smoking; quit drinking; enjoy life more. Whichever you choose, start small and take it one day at a time. Be sure not to lose the focus. Press on toward the goal.  We want the goal to be accomplished within the first month, when it is a new YEAR resolution. You have 365 days to work on it, not 30. Break your goals down into something that you can do within the next year. How do you do that? It can be easy.  

Let's take dieting or healthy eating as an example. I know it didn't seem to make the top 10, but let's face it, we've thought about it. As we were chomping on the cookies, chocolates, and egg nog, and feeling the effects of sleepiness and clothes getting tighter, the thought went to after the first of the year, I am going to eat better. We want to dump the carbs, dump the sugar, buy a juicer, and vow never to eat anything bad again. I counsel people when I am training them on nutrition and would never tell someone to dump it all on the first day. Small changes, one day at a time, will make big changes for them. Yes, I give them a shopping list of items and examples of meal plans, but I don't expect them to follow it to the letter their first week.  (Unless they are an over-achiever, of course). I ask them to journal so that we can see where their habits are and praise them on the small changes and conscious choices they may have made through the week. Even if it is something as simple as changing to alternate water after every other soda - it is better than drinking nothing but soda. They will continually cut back the soda until all they want is the water.  

Whatever your resolution, goal or vision is for this year, don't lose sight of it. Write it down, focus, and press on step by step. Believe you can and you will be able to accomplish anything!