Wednesday, December 16, 2015

'Tis the Season to Be...?

'Tis the season to be...?   How would you finish that thought?  I bet 95% of people said "jolly" and then it was followed by "fa la la la la".  Others may have said things like cheerful, giving, happy, excited, generous, etc. Something about this time of year brings out the best in most people and we want to participate in things that give us warm, fuzzy feelings.

Then there is the flip side.  For others this is the season to feel sad, lonely, stressed, frustrated, depressed, annoyed, etc.  

While Christmas is a time to reflect on the greatest gift ever given - Jesus - He is not always our total focus, but He plays a major part in how we can deal with all of those feelings listed above.

He understands all that we go through and He is with us in every situation.  Yet, it is at our lowest times when we seem to question where He is, and I promise you He is near to you.  Psalm 34:18 (NKJV) states that "The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, And saves such as have a contrite spirit."  Also, in Matthew 1:23 (NKJV), Jesus is called "Immanuel", which translates "God with us."  Ups and downs, highs and lows, happy or sad, He is with us.  

Even now, I know people who are happy and excited over the birth of a new child, new house, engagements, promotions, and upcoming vacations.  And then, others who have requested prayer for someone dying from cancer and other diseases, people undergoing health tests, about to lose their homes, lost their jobs, family members suffering from addictions, those who are feeling sadness from losing loved ones and not being able to celebrate with them anymore, and the list goes on.  

Let us be mindful of what someone may be facing.  Let's live out Romans 12:15 (NIV), "Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn".   

This is also the season of resolutions as we are saying goodbye to one year and preparing for the next.  What do you resolve to do right now - lose weight, get fit (I can help you with that), stop smoking or drinking, be more generous, be more organized, have more patience (tough one, just saying, and speaking from experience), or maybe get out of debt?  Make it your resolution to not only put into practice these things during this "season", but every season throughout the year.  

I pray that whether you are on the mountaintop or in a valley, that you will never lose focus of the one who is with us in every season.  Keep your eyes, heart and thoughts focused on Him as everything for your life has its time.  Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NKJV), "To everything there is a season.  A time for every purpose under heaven."

A friend of mine always encourages us not to do life alone.  What season are you in?  If it's a good season for you, pay it forward; if it's not, surround yourself with loved ones who can help you through the bad times.  

Now, how would you finish the statement...

'Tis the season to be...?

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Exercise Your Faith

What are some things you hope for?  Could it be financial stability; promotion on the job; more time to relax; a dream vacation; peace on earth; a loved one to be delivered from an addiction; a prodigal child to make their way back home and to find the right path; do you want to be more healthy; more fit, etc? You get the idea;.Fill in the blank with whatever you desire.  There are so many things that you may be hoping for and only one way to get it - prayer.  Exercise your faith today.  Pray.

I don't know about you, but there are multiple things listed above that I hope for, but don't always pray about them.  If you want things in your life to change, give God the reins, or in the words of a popular song, let "Jesus take the wheel."  There are so many times we try to do things on our own, only to find out that it would've been much easier and a road less traveled if we had just sought the one who has every thing in our life already planned out.  However, He has given us a free will and He lets us make the choice.

Ask Him to help you make the right choices - choose the right job or position; choose to make time for yourself; choose to make every day into a life that you don't need to take a vacation from; choose to be at peace with everyone; choose to let God intervene in your loved one's life; choose to let God guide your child; choose to eat the right foods; choose to exercise, etc.

Whatever it is you are hoping for, believe that God is in control and He is working it out.  Not only will you have peace, but you will be at peace with yourself and others.  You will not be anxious or fearful.  The storms you face will not phase you. Jesus showed us how it was done.  Read Mark 4:37-40.  There was a great windstorm and the waves were crashing into the boat and filling it with water, and Jesus stays asleep.  He had to be awakened!  I don't know about you, but I would've woken up a little panicked.  The guys on the boat were not only fearful, but a little annoyed.  They questioned him about whether or not he even cared about the fact that they may die.  What does he do?  He rebukes the wind and commands the sea to "peace, be still."  Then he looks at those who were afraid and said to them in verse 40, "Why are you so fearful?  How is it that you have no faith?" Say what?
I admit, I would've probably had an attitude and been like "wait a minute, don't tell me I don't have any faith just because I was a little fearful I might be thrown off this ship into the raging sea."

Well, faith is hope, not fear.  Have confidence in the fact that even though we don't see it or feel it, God is working it out.

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1

Monday, November 9, 2015

Spirit with a Soul Living in a Body

I heard a long time ago while sitting in a church service that we were a spirit with a soul living in a body.  Then read it in 1 Thessalonians 5:23 (NKJV) "Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; any may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."

I knew that to speak with the Lord (prayer) was spiritual, but guess I never thought of it as being "spirit".  We communicate with God through our spirit; and by doing this daily, without ceasing, will keep us blameless.  Seek Him in ALL things.  There is nothing that happens to us that takes Him by surprise.  He knows what we will say before we say it.  He knows our situation before we are faced with it.

Our soul is our mind.  We need to renew our mind on a daily basis, sometimes hourly, sometimes moment by moment.  Depends on the day. Read His Word daily so that we can keep our thoughts on Him.  As we face things in our every day activities, our mind will be able to remember the promises given to us through His written word. Also, our mind can help us control our emotions, our choices, our reactions and not allow us to give into temptations or the lusts of the flesh.

Ah, our flesh, which is our body.  It is a fickle structure. It operates on the senses. Taste - we want to eat things that taste good, not necessarily what is good and beneficial to the rest of the body.  Touch - we will choose soft things over itchy, rough-feeling items.  Hearing - we only want to listen to things we choose to hear, whether that be music, positive vs negative comments, the people around us.  You can tell when someone only half listens to what you are saying because they answer you in the wrong way or interrupt without realizing you were still speaking.  Smell - we prefer pleasant odors, and even this is not the same for everyone.  Just ask any lady who bought a candle and one of the males in your household wants to know what "stinks".  Sight - we have an opinion on what we see as beauty, works of art, etc.

FitFaith came out of realizing that we need to be fit in all areas - spirit, soul, and body. Future blogs may not be so long as they may deal with only one of these areas. It could be through devotion, motivation, nutrition, exercise, a thought of the day, etc.

Stay posted.  If preferred, you can sign up for email.  Hope you enjoy them. :)